Entering into The Synodal Process: 10th October 2021 to 31st March 2022 | Bishop’s Circular No: BP/2021/062

29th September 2021

Bishop’s Circular No: BP/2021/062

To All MJD Clergy, Religious & Parishioners.

Dear Faithful of God,

Re: Entering into The Synodal Process: 10th October 2021 to 31st March 2022

  1. After much coverage on the Synod, the Diocesan Phase, the 1st phase begins on the 10th October 2021 with Pope Francis. We, the Malacca Johore Diocese (MJD) will take off on the 16th October 2021, Saturday at 7.30pm in the spirit of unity and communion.
    Where there is unity of spirit, God moves, miracles happen!
  2. Dear Fathers, to help us prepare and enter the spirit of the Synod, the following liturgical actions are recommended:
    1. From the 10th – 17th October, the Preparation (a 7-day prayer services) with the enthronement of the Bible and invocation of the Holy Spirit (See attachment GSSB: Suggestions for Liturgy.) can be initiated.
    2. On the 16th October, Saturday at 7.30pm: No Sunset Masses in all parishes.
      • Online Mass of the Diocese, with the Bishop and the Clergy of the South Johor Vicariate (SJV) will be broadcasted.
      • All the clergy and parish leaders or community via big screen or other modes, join in the above Mass in the spirit of communion.
      • The Mass proper: No. 5 Mass For a Council or a Synod (The Roman Missal – Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions) with red stoles; (Mass in BM, with other languages).
      • After Communion Prayer: Special Synod Candles will be lighted, incensed and Synod Prayer said. The parish priests receive the candles to be enthroned on the altar or special location. (The un-attending parish priests from North Central and Malacca Vicariate can enthrone the candles in their parish simultaneously with the Bishop. You will receive the candles by 15th October 2021. For delivery information kindly contact Maria from MAJODI Bookshop.)
      • These candles are a symbol of ”being sent to announce the Synod and its beginning, and being united as a diocese.”
    3. A reminder to SJV clergy, please bring your red stole for the 16th October’s Mass.
  3. After 16th October, MJD continues the Synodal Process, as guided by the Diocesan Synod Team:
    1. Distributing, conducting and compiling the Questionnaire.
    2. Praying and Celebrating the Masses for the Synod continues (Synod Prayer concludes the Prayer of the Faithful from 17th October, 2021 to 31st March, 2022.) – See attachment ‘Synod Prayer’.
  4. The sense of the Church grows with awareness created by the clergy and the leadership. Once the sense of the Church is given, nothing can extinguish it.
  5. Attached herewith the GSSB: Liturgy, for your use. Use them for prayer services, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Masses during this Diocesan Phase of the Synodal Process.

Together Building His Kingdom,

+ Rt Rev Bernard Paul, D.D.
Bishop of Malacca Johore Diocese